Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I've forgotten to write a progress report for a couple days now, so this one will catalog the developments for the last few:

Between last thursday and friday, through steve sinclair's help I was able to get Gamera up and running using Python 2.3 and wxPython 2.4. To do this we had to comment out a few tester lines in the python code, and install on a .local off the main directory. This then proved to be a difficult fix as Music-Staves would not install.

So, I spent the weekend with this problem, and finally on monday, brainstormed with Andrew about possible fixes. He thought the best option was to do a clean install using uni-binaries of the newest Python and wxPython's and then build and install Gamera. An easy and simple process, which worked immediately after we switched the paths (
I must say that Andrew has aided me immensely in getting up and running here, for which I am extremely appreciative).

From that point I then had to try to get Music-Staves and AOMR2 running. Unfortunately until today, Music-Staves is still not running, and I have tried several versions, including downloading previous versions via CVS (in an attempt to avoid GCC compilation differences). So on monday, I decided to put this on the back burner while i worked on getting AOMR2 running. The CVS repository has been taken down so I copy and pasted the most recent versions of all the files into a folder and built and installed it - as a result, AOMR2 is now up and running, and staff-lines may be removed and I can begin training. Laurent has said he will provide me with some training material either tomorrow or friday.

As far as Music-Staves, I have tried several "fixes" but to no avail. Tonight I will post on the developers list, and hopefully someone will get back to me regarding its install.

Beyond that, I've somewhat postponed the daytime c++ and python reading, as reading code and troubleshooting is as great way as any for me to learn a language. In these last few days, I've noticed a marked reduction in the usage of the finder and an increase in the terminal and pico.

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